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May 30, 2013
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Please Visit Our Sponsors
by the Creator of Midtoon


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Author's Notes:
So, the dangerous blonde speaks English after all, or does she? And why is Erik making her stop? Stay tuned to discover the mystery and for a new poll coming soon!

On another note, one of my friendly online competitors, Bearman, is driving to raise funds for his charity drive, the 2013 Bearman's Charity Challenge, where he gives his advertising money away to charity if people promote him instead.

Well, I have good and bad news on that. The bad news is that Bearman reached his limit  for this year before I could post my cartoon, so I could not take more money out of his generous pockets. The good news is that in reaching his limit, he donated a considerable sum.

For more information, click on his image

3D Modelling: Sketchup
Financial District : Andres
Bus Terminal : ko2009
Russian Translation: Online
Taxi Driver: Bearman