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October 20, 2014
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by the Creator of Midtoon

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Author's Notes: 

The Webcomic List

Laurie Steel Studio: Leo & Midtoon
Lazy Cartoonist: Joylon Troscianto

Here we go...

If there is one thing I hate more than a comic or a blog that stops updating, is one where the author keps saying something to the effect of how sorry he or she is for the lack of updates. So, I'm not even going to go there... 

It all started with a broken pen... ordering a pen... getting the pen... getting it out of the dog stomach... getting all upset because I can't update... the computer not working... Anyway, I have plenty of excuses. I wrote the book, see?

So, if you are still here, let's talk about today's episode. I decided that after the long, depressing pause, I could not just pick up from where I were without some kind of interlude, so I decided to face the issue personally by accepting an invitation to the Laurie Steel show. You may remember Laurie Steel from her work as a field reporter for Channel 5, which you can see in the Old Midtoon, (It may not look too pretty in your browser) or read the whole chapter by scrolling to "Serial Killer" in the chapters list. What I bet you didn't know is that she is also the hostess of her own talk show. I just found out.

After we finish the coverage of my interview with Ms. Steel, we will go back to Vegas to continue the story where we left it.