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by the Creator of Midtoon

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The Webcomic List



What is Midtoon?
Midtoon is medium sized town somewhere in America.
Midtoon is also a webcomic about some of the residents of this town, their pains and joy as they try to get ahead in their family, friendships, work, school and love lives.

Who are the main characters?
The Main characters of Midtoon are the Campos family, composed of made up of John, Mabel and their children Erik, Javier and Amber Sofia. There are a bunch of other characters, some more important than others, but see the CHARACTERS page.for more information.

The origin of Midtoon
I have always enjoyed reading comics as a kid, and as far back as I can remember I have been drawing everywhere. One of my favorite things to do was to create a cartoon that made fun of a current situation. One day in 2003, I decided to try my hand at creating a cast of characters to make a comic strip. The characters that were born at that time came to life later in MIDTOON. The original plan was to call the comic MIDTOWN, but the name was not available, and MIDTOON was born. In 2008, after having created a long series of comics that could have filled a book, a thief stole my computer and I lost all my work. The theft had an unfortunate timing, because two weeks before, the external hard drive where I kept the backups had burnt, so the loss was permanent. Sadness and despair for the loss gave way to anger and determination, and one day I decided that the thief would not get away with destroying my dream. I would go back to the drawing table, make the comics again, this time better, meaner and bigger, and also, this time it would be online, so no one could steal it from me again. That's how MIDTOON.COM came to be. And now here you are :)

What is the background of the main Characters?
John Campos is a lawyer who had a small practice in his native Puerto Rico until for some reason or another, he accepted a teaching job at the Midtoon Community College. While working there, he had marital problems that resulted in his first wife leaving him and a long, bitter divorce battle ensued, where the court granted John custody of his two young children. Being left a single father of two, and with Javier barely a toddler, the next two years were very hard on the three of them. Mabel Snyders, a transplant from Centerville, was attending the community college where John worked and recognized him one day at the supermarket when Javier was throwing a temper tantrum. For some reason the young Javier was immediately taken by the young student and what was first an evening of babysitting led to a semi-permanent job caring for Javier and later to friendship and a dinner invitation. One afternoon of watching the boys while John dealt with the courts led to one evening under the stars and you get the idea... John and Mabel got married one January 5, against the will of Mabel's mother, who took to call John "the professor", even though early during their dating, John had accepted a job as a legal advisor to the then candidate for Mayor, a job that continued after the candidate won the election. Mabel's mother main gripes with the marriage were the age diference between them and Mabel's desicion to quit college to care for Javier (and a bit for Erik) full-time. Mabel still wants to go back to school and has always held the goal of doing it when Javier is a bit older and needs her less. She almost enrolled a bit back, but her pregnancy delayed that desicion, and now she has postponed it because she doesn't want to hire a baby sitter for Amber Sofia... For some reason. 

What about the polls and the voting?
From its inception, my goal was to create a comic that would respond to the readers in a way that no other comic that I knew of at the time did. My intention was to conduct the storyline strictly by polls, allowing the reader to vote to decide what would happen on the strip. Of course, to maintain a sense of direction, I only offered choices that I as the author could live with, so the polls were multiple choice and there was no write-in choice. Some of the desicions made by the readers, were the kind and breed of the family pet, whether Jennifer and Erik would go out, whether she would stay with New Guy, Fred or Erik, the gender of Mabel's baby and her name, which was one of the few polls that allowed for free write-ins. Some fo the problems with the polls are that few people got engaged in some of them, that some had to be done too early to allow for the story to develop to that point, and that I didn't have good software to track them. Another problem is that by not knowing what the readers would choose on some important polls, entire plot lines became obsolete. While it is still my intention to use polls to drive the story, I'm still trying to figure out a balance between being able to plan a story line, and allowing meaningful choices to the reader. At this point, the use of polls has been reduced because of that.