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April 10, 2013
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by the Creator of Midtoon


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Author's Notes:
Who knows what those two were thinking, giving a Bride by Mail Catalog to Erik... All we can do is believe them when they say that they were trying to help.

We have come to expect things like this from Mario, who after all, has "helped" Erik a couple times before, and we know how that has worked out... Well, if you don't know, there are lots of archives full of horrible art that you can make fun of - I mean, have fun with.

I could not really decide how to present panel 3. I thought of leaving it blank and silent, to indicate the passing of time and the fact that Erik was having second thoughts, but in the end, decided to try for a special effect. It would have worked better if it was animated and it had the Batman music from the old TV Series as it spiraled into view, but I still don't know how to make the animated gifs. One day, though, one day...

For the last panel, I wanted to show more of the exterior of the building, but could not figure out how to do it in a way that made sense, so it will have to be in another strip. It's a nifty set.

Now, will Erik find the catalog? What will he do with it? Will the garbage man manage to finish his route, or will Midtoon drown in trash?                     SEE YOU IN THE COMMENTS!!!

3D Modelling: Sketchup
Mc Donalds: Cordelle
Catalog Cover: uncredited
Trash Can: Sergio Poverony
Truck: US City/Country Planning