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Midtoon Comic Strip Released

A small but enthusiastic group of fans waited anxiously as the first Midtoon comic strip was released today on the Internet. Erik Campos, 16, from 123 Midtoon Street, starred in the first strip with his brother Javier Campos, 8.

Sources close to the family Reported that Mr. Campos had been attempting to develop a comic strip for "quite some time, now" but had not been able to come up with an original concept. "It is Hard to come up with something Original," said Jennifer Rhodes, the proprietor of Jenny's Beauty Salon. "The poor Kid must have calluses on his knuckles".

This reporter was unable to reach Mr. Campos for comments, but in an exclusive interview, Javier Campos stated that "This comic sucks!" and that he hopes that his older brother would not portray him as "a loser".

For Elliott Green, an Apartment building owner across the street from the Campos Home, This is just a "one-time stunt" and "Not even funny", but a source close to the Mayor of Midtoon declared under condition of anonymity that the development of the comic strip industry in Midtoon will "surely result in some free publicity for the Town and provide a Much needed stimulus to the economy".

Roger Morales, from Huge Golden Buttons Inc. Donated a Huge Golden Button with the inscription "Support Midtoon". According to the official statement released by the Company, HGB provided Mr. Campos with a Huge Golden Button to try to get the public's attention to the fact that even though the Midtoon Comic Strip is being distributed for free, there are ways into which they may participate and support the town's economic development". "You May think you are giving little," said Mr. Morales after reading his brief statement. "The truth is that if you gave one cent per year, but each and everyone of the six billion human beings on the planet did the same, Midtoon would receive 60 Million Dollars every year, which would probably help a little bit, so don't be shy, click on the Huge Golden Button and find out how you can help raise the First 60 Million Dollars".

A tall and handsome observer remained skeptical, however about the fact that it would require each and every human being on the planet to raise the needed capital and encouraged Bill Gates to give 60 Million Dollars himself "to make things easier", stating that such a disbursement would be "greatly beneficial for Midtoon."

Disassociated Press, Midtoon, USA.
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Also by the Creator of Midtoon