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          Midtoon 's Second Week
Contrary to popular belief, the Midtoon comic strip survived its first week. There were some, such as Mr. Green, from Main St, that thought that the comic would not last that long.

The Proprietor and sole employee of Loretta's Mini-mart, Loretta Sims, commented on the comic strip; "It's a shame for the family to allow themselves to be displayed in public in such a manner. I assure you that this deed wil not go unpunished."

Not all comments were negative, though. A teenager who identified himself as Mario Flannagan was heard  commenting that he was a "good friend of the family", and that he hoped to appear in the comic strip soon. "My presence will add an important element to the story, just wait and see..."

Upon furhter questioning, the Midtoon High School student admitted that he has been Erik's best friend for many years and expects to be a major character on the strip.

This reporter does not have any idea what he's talking about.

Disassociated Press, Midtoon, USA.
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Also by the Creator of Midtoon