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September 16, 2013
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by the Creator of Midtoon


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Author's Notes:
The dangerous blonde has a name, and her name is Lisa.

It turns out that she was not really Russian, and Erik did not order her from the Brides-by-Mail catalog. Lisa is Mabel's sister. For any new readers out there, Mabel is Erik's step-mother, so Lisa may or may not be considered Erik's family depending on your point of view. This brings up the topic of today's new survey question (see the poll to the left).

So now you know why Erik was hesitant. The question is, should he?

On another note, on the last comic I had made Bearman my taxi driver, so for consistensy's sake (and not related at all to the fact that he promotes any comic he appears in, *cough*) I had to use him on this one as well. Bearman can be reached on his website

As for my recent lack of updates, my excuse this time is that we moved to a smaller apartment shortly after my last page, and for a while I could not set my work station up. A while later, when I managed to set everything up, it took my a while to get back into drawing mode.

See you in the comments section.

3D Modelling: Sketchup
Neighborhood: Markiemark,
Campos' House: Cordelle
Dr. Gray's House: Helman
Taxi Driver: Bearman
Is it acceptable to date your stepmother's sister? free polls