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March 15, 2014
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Please Visit Our Sponsors
by the Creator of Midtoon

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Author's Notes: 
My wife says that I am the most oblivious man she's ever met. To prove her wrong, here is a challenge: I think I'd notice if my sister in law was strutting around the house in her underwear. Bam! Yeah! I win!

Anyway, it's a new day in MIDTOON, and Lisa is wearing sunglasses inside the house? Who does that? Anyway, if you are a regular reader you know why she's doing it. If not... well, you'll have to go back to a previous episode to find out. I mean, WELCOME TO MIDTOON! *cough*.

I have received three designs for clothes for Erik. They were submitted by my fangirl Nat. You will be able to see them soon here. I am still open for new styles for Erik, and a few will be displayed in a coming soon episode, so hurry up and send me your creations to Author(at)Midtoon(dot)com or link to them in the comments.

John did not notice Lisa's choice of clothing. Help people notice MIDTOON by liking, stumbling, tweeting and plussing this comic on your favorite social networks. Share it with all your friends, or send it to all your enemies as a torture. Your choice.

Are you new to the story? Go back to the beginning of SEASON 3 to find out what's going on.

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Neighborhood: markiemark
Campos Home: Cordelle
Baby monitor:
Tea set: Archidol
Green Building: Paulwall
Children's Playground: