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Making a comic strip is a lot of work. It takes a lot of effort and energy, but there are good things to keep you going, like cheerleaders (for Erik, of course)

                 During this and the next few weeks, the action of the strip will move to Midtoon High School, so we will meet many of Erik's friends.

                                                      Your Midtoon Comic Strip for May 11, 2009



May 2009
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Complaints against the MPD on the rise

The Midtoon Herald, May 8, 2009

The Midtoon Police Department has seen a steep increase in the number of citizen complaints. The complaints range from the tame, as in "the police officer did not say good morning today," to the most extreme. One man, whose identity we are not going to disclose, to protect his privacy, claimed that a police woman tied a collar around his neck and forced him to eat from a dog bowl.

Chief of Police Marlon Ghost did not want to confirm or deny the allegations.

"The case is still under investigation", he said. "But if the allegations were true, and I can assure you that they are not, we will proceed with all the weight of the law."

He also stated that the Division of Internal affairs had assigned one of his best agents to the case. Officer Tina Mollison, of Midtoon vs. Gollum and Midtoon vs. Charlie's Angels fame, was assigned to investigate the case.

"If Mollison cannot find the culprit," added Chief Ghost. "It is because there is none."

This reporter thinks that there is no way the MPD is doing that.

Copyright (C) 2009, Disassociated Press.