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April 5, 2014
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Please Visit Our Sponsors
by the Creator of Midtoon

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Author's Notes: 
I don't think Lisa was expecting to find someone at the bank who happens to know Mabel... Lucky for her, RSS only knew her a long time ago. Now, about this RSS guy, this whole idea came to be by accident. When I was drawing the previous episode, I thought I was drawing the original logo of a very famous sports brand in MIDTOON, but after it was all done, I thought that it looked awfully close to the RSS symbol (and by awfully close, I mean is exactly the same) so I changed it to orange color, and decided that in the MIDTOON universe, this guy invented the RSS FEED (Speaking of which, if you have not done so already, you can add MIDTOON's RSS FEED to your reader).

Anyway, if you are interested in knowing what the original logo was, you can check THIS EPISODE, and will see it in Mario's shorts and Anita's shirt. Don't ask how I came from that logo to the RSS logo, because I have no idea... Moral of the story is that if you are working on a story, you need to keep reference notes, or you will end up changing things by accident and soon people will be wondering about the consistency of your universe rather than enjoying the story. And amateur writers like me, especially when not publishing every day, need to avoid adding extra distractions to what our poor writing already provides. So, avoid easy mistakes, because there WILL be mistakes anyway.

Are you new to the story? Go back to the beginning of SEASON 3

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Neighborhood: markiemark
Bank: Cordelle
1% Bank sign: MIDTOON